Annual meeting of innovation promotion branch of China Pharmaceutical Business Association held in Beijing
Release Time:01.25.2019 Posted by:group headquarter

        On January 11, 2019, in the middle of winter, the Hongyan Hall of Beijing yanxihu International Conference Center is warm and full of spring. More than 50 people, including leaders of China Pharmaceutical Business Association and innovation promotion branch, as well as some vice presidents, directors and member units, attended the meeting. Shanghai Haixin pharmaceutical attended the meeting as a member unit.

        The meeting was presided over by Vice President of innovation promotion branch, vice general manager of Yunnan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Chun Yuan.

        Fu Mingzhong, executive chairman of China Pharmaceutical Business Association, delivered a passionate speech at the meeting. She first extended her warm congratulations on the opening of the meeting, and announced that Yao Xiaofei, vice president of China Pharmaceutical Business Association and founder and CEO of Beijing Rongguan e-commerce Co., Ltd., as the president of innovation promotion branch, was approved by the Third Council of the eighth session of China Pharmaceutical Business Association. She puts forward new requirements for the branch work, hoping that the branch will expand new ideas, develop new fields, make new achievements and reflect new values in innovation.。

       Cao Weirong, executive chairman of innovation promotion branch, reported the work summary and work plan of 2018. He first reviewed and summarized the nine tasks of the branch in 2018. The first is to adhere to the "two innovations" around the industry characteristics; the second is innovation driven, leading the transformation and upgrading of the industry; the third is to carry out PBM research closely related to the medical reform; the fourth is to focus on innovation and help build an integrated platform for domestic and foreign trade; the fifth is to adhere to the service to help the development of innovative enterprises; the sixth is to innovate pharmaceutical services and promote the construction of intelligent pharmaceutical service platform; the seventh is to serve the national strategy and open a new platform To expand new areas of international cooperation; Eighth, health first, counterpart support targeted poverty alleviation; Ninth, do a good job in information, service industry innovation and development. Based on the analysis of the situation in the new year, five major tasks in 2019 are proposed: first, improve the selection of innovative enterprises and promote the innovation and development achievements of the industry; second, carry out intelligent pharmaceutical services to promote the innovation and transformation of pharmaceutical circulation enterprises; third, promote the integration of domestic and foreign trade and promote cross regional industrial cooperation; fourth, enhance the value of pharmaceutical innovation and realize the innovation platform driven development; fifth, improve the value of pharmaceutical innovation Strengthen the exchange among members and improve the service level of the branch.

        Four industry innovation experts including Geng Yongzhong, general manager of guocontrolled biology, Geng Yili, chairman of Geyin information, Liu Junlin, chairman of pharmaceutical supply chain alliance, and Ma Guanglei, general manager of Qingdao easy return clinic, were invited to discuss the construction, application, development and operation of "vaccine whole chain traceability platform", "wisdom hospital supply chain sharing platform", "pharmaceutical logistics four party platform" and "smart pharmacy" The participants fully understood the development trend and important value of innovative business, innovative mode and innovative technology in the field of pharmaceutical circulation in the Internet era.
